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The Order* is a international defense and security initiative of Catholics for Catholics who are suffering persecution for their faith, where their defense and liberation requires military intervention or security actions, and this is allowed by local and/or international law. Members of our religious Association, the Ordo Militaris Catholicus are now undertaking efforts to establish the Order in other nations in a similar manner, as local laws allow to assist us in raising the material support necessary to bring effective relief to those Catholics who are suffering for their faith.

In the USA we have founded a Wyoming C-Corporation to conduct our humanitarian effort, as a Private Military Corporation, with the legal name, Ordo Militaris, Inc., and not for personal profit,* with rank and file members with deeply held Catholic religious beliefs, which is currently working to organize a training camp there to prepare the soldiers of the Order for their mission deployment.

Any help you can give, please do.  To know more about how you can help, see our Sign-up page or our Donations page or Investment Page.

To read more about the Order and its form of organization, read about the Justice of Our Cause, or Our Holy Rule.

Our story is a brief one: After the martyrdom of the French Catholic priest, Fr. Jacques Hamel — who had his throat slit and was stabbed repeatedly, in Church during mass, by 2 Jihadis,  in July, 2016 — our founder, Br. Alexis Bugnolo, a Franciscan hermit, who had been thinking of such an order for nearly 20 years, decided that instead of waiting for military personnel to start such an organization, to work to found it. In prayer it seemed to him that the Lord was saying, “Go and round up the men, you will find them.” So trusting in this inspiration he began to share this idea with his FB and Twitter followers, and so it  began.

We the first members are all Catholics, military, religious and civilians convinced already that this is a holy work which God wills for our present age and committed to seeing it thru. The Order is not an honorary society; we are here to protect Catholics, in those parts of the world where, being persecuted for their faith, they need military and security assistance for their defense.  In this way we intend a true work of mercy for our innocent and persecuted Catholic brothers and sisters, whether they be priests, religious or laity.

Alas, the Main Stream Media has censored the news of the Christian Genocide in the Mid-East so much that while many Catholics understand the need, few understand the urgency.  We confess to have been among this number until recently, but when you see such photos as this, of a Christian girl of 4 years old, slain because she would not convert to Islam, all arguments against action melt away:


In fact, of the 3 Million Catholics in Iraq, more than 2.3 Million have been killed or driven out of the country by acts of terrorism or religious persecution. We have waited to long for our governments to act. Now it is time for us to wait no longer, but to do what we can!

There are many ways to participate and help out, so see the other articles at this blog for information.  If you have that spirit, and are military or non-military, and want to join us, please contact us through our Sign-up form.

The Order’s USA chapter has a civil legal form as a Private Military Corporation, and is incorporated in the State of Wyoming, with the legal name, Ordo Militaris, Inc., as a private military company, not for personal profit,* with rank and file members with deeply held Catholic religious beliefs. Members of our religious Association, the “Ordo Militaris Catholicus” are now undertaking efforts to establish the Order in other nations in a similar manner, as local laws allow.

In the USA we are currently working to organize a training camp there to prepare the soldiers of the Order for their mission deployment. Any help you can give, please do.  To know more about how you can help the USA Chapter, see our Donations page.

Please note that we do not condone any illegal activities nor the advocacy of such. We here at the Order Militaris Catholicus pledge ourselves to compliance with the International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries, 4 December 1989, since we do not intend to participate in armed conflicts except as 1) parts of the armed forces of, and 2) with the authorization of, sovereign states, and this 3) essentially only to protect, defend and liberate Catholics who are persecuted for their faith. As such we do not accept soldiers of fortune into our ranks, nor those associated with secessionist or anti-government movements.


* By “Order” we mean a religious association of Catholics, not a knightly order or a religious community which would attain the name of an “order” – a term not used since the Middle Ages. But a private association of the faithful (initially).

By “Military” we mean that the Order will be governed by ex-military members, and have the primary mission of defending Catholics who are persecuted or attacked militarily in odio fidei (out of hatred for the Faith), and to defend them by means of military and police actions, with the permission or under the banner of a sovereign pre-existing entity, such as a State or Order.

By “not for personal profit” we mean that we are not organized for personal profit: that is, our officers do not receive salaries or commissions and all earnings of the corporation are dedicated to our work, not to the profit of others. This allows us both to conduct ourselves for charitable purposes and not be bound by the restrictions on free-speech and action by which an IRS recognized “non-profit” and “not-for-profit” are bound.

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